
Rhiannon has had jobs as a geologist and a relieving teacher. She is now a full time mother, taking care of her 3 year old son and 16 month old daughter.
Rhiannon does "all the crafts". These include beading, blackwork, braiding, canvaswork, cardmaking, chainmail jewellery, costumery, crochet, cross-stitch, embroidery, felting, flax-weaving, Inkle weaving, leather crafting, mobiles, modelling, origami, painting, papermaking, Pergamano, quilling, quilting, sewing, spinning (drop spindle), sketching, toymaking, Zentangle.
She therefore does all the art for her games, which are often sketched in ink pen and computer coloured.
Rhiannon has been absentmindedly designing games since she was about 12. Lack of playtesters has meant they haven't gone anywhere yet... until now!

Rhiannon's husband Colin owns and manages the McKinstry Education business.
Colin's day job is working as a consultant. His current role is in IT with BNZ.
Colin also teaches at the Wellington School of European Martial Arts. This is a small school that teaches Western martial arts from interpretations of period manuals. Weapon types include German and Italian Longsword, Smallsword, Scottish Broadsword, Rapier, bare-knuckle boxing, and others. He is co-writing a book focussing on the principles of motion that can be applied to all martial arts.

Alaric is Rhiannon and Colin's 3 year old son.
Alaric will one day be the main recipient and tester of his mother's games. He is learning so much all the time. Before the age of 2, Alaric could read the numbers up to 20, and all the letters of the alphabet. Now he can read 3-digit numbers and is learning to write. Alaric talks quite eloquently. His number one question: How do you spell ____?
He is keen on trucks, cars, Duplo, and playing in his sandpit. He is enjoying Playcentre and learning about being social.
He likes jigsaws and really enjoys reading books.

Elenna is Rhiannon and Colin's daughter, age 1 1/2.
Elenna is the only child in New Zealand to have a microdeletion in her 15th chromosome, including the IGF1R growth hormone receptor gene. Because of this, she is very small for her age (originally well under the 0.1% line, though she is catching up, and is now near the 3% line.)
She has learned how to walk and run, and generally gets everywhere. She enjoys climbing, slides, swings and cuddling stuffed animals. She is beginning to say some words - her favourite is "UP!"
I'm sure she will enjoy board games later too.