Current Newsletter
Dragons Wild Update: 27/01/21
My reviewers have been receiving their copies of my game Dragons Wild, and today at 3pm I'm having a "Kicking Tables" Kickstarter interview with OMG Nexus! I've been watching their videos and I'm excited. I just hope I can manage to not sound like a fool :)
Here's the Youtube channel. Please give them a watch, a like and if you enjoy, subscribe!

Dragons Wild Update: 01 Dec 2020
A little bit of an update for the New Year...
I plan on doing a wooden token for the round marker as a stretch goal. I've been asking around as to what companies might be able to make them as I want them.
I now have a beaut photo of a custom dragon token prototype printed from MeepleStudio! I actually really like how it looks in the natural wood colour with the engravings. However, they say that plain wood gets dirty really easily, so I'm getting grey painted.
I've asked for quotes for making them!

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